
Please read submission guidelines prior to submitting a book for nomination.

Merit of Distinction in Literature Submission
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Address (Please submit your complete mailing address):
Optional: Indicate which award category you are interested in. If you are not interested in a specific category choose Fiction or Nonfiction. If you choose a category, be sure to select a category that applies to the book (poetry for example, can be submitted in the poetry category) If you have chosen a specific category (for example, LGBTQ) and you are the winner, you would receive a "Merit of Distinction in LGBTQ Literature." If a general category is selected and you are the winner, you would receive a "Merit of Distinction in Literature."
List your genre here. If you have a subcategory please write your subgenre in the "Other" field below...i.e. Romance Contemporary or Fantasy Epic
If your genre is not listed in the drop menu above, you may write it here or include your subgenre. For example, if the genre selected in the drop down menu is romance, you may enter the subgenre in this field (for example, Romance suspense)
Include your TxU copyright number if available
May submit one review, or two.
Write N/A or PASS on this question if you do not have notes or comments about the story or message.
Front book cover only.
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