Nomination for the 2025 Merit of Distinction in Cinema application

Please read submission guidelines prior to submitting a short film for nomination.

Merit of Distinction in Cinema
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Address (Please submit your complete mailing address):
Optional: Indicate which award category you are interested in. If you are not interested in a specific category choose Art - General. If you choose a category, be sure to select a category that applies to the appropriate genre of art for your work. If you do not see your genre, select "Other" and complete the "Other field" on the form. If you have chosen a specific category (for example, Expressionist Art) and you are the winner, you would receive a "Merit of Distinction in Expressionist Art." If a general category is selected and you are the winner, you would receive a "Merit of Distinction in Artistic Expression."
In 350 Words
Note: This field does not affect consideration of this award. Write N/A if not applicable.
Tell us more about you in 350 words or less.
Only links to YouTube will be accepted. Submission must be unlisted and not available to the public.